Sinhala and tamil new year

Sinhala and Hindu  new year generally falls on the 13Th and14Th of April.The cuckoo bird first  announces  the down of the new year and”erabandu trees”are ful of flowers during this season from the  beginning of  April sinhala and Tamil people get ready for the festival. at every house people clean  their houses.every one sew new clothes or buy new clothes to wear for the festival.sweat meets are prepared at a every house.  when the new year  dawns ,people light crackers and celebrate it.before the new year and inausoicious  time is spent doing religious the new year coocking,eating,transactions and starting work is done at an auspicious time.people visit their relatives and share sweat -meets.this seoson is avery prosperous seoson  for every one.people beleive that sinhala and hindu new year brings happiness,success and prosperity to the world

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